Thursday, April 26, 2012

Karma's Payment

I borrowed from a couple of sources to give the complete picture to what President Obama said in Iowa City yesterday.

“I’m the president of the United States — it was only about eight years ago that we finished paying off our student loans. And let me tell you, it wasn’t easy making those payments, because once we had Malia and Sasha, we’re trying to save for their college education even as we’re paying off our own college educations.”


Obama's income eight years ago (2004), according to his tax returns, was $207,647.

I'd like to feel that pain and the scientific community is united in that fact.

Obama also said his effort to keep college loans affordable “is personal for me.”“I know something about this, because Michelle and I, we went through it,” he said. “And it wasn’t that long ago. We’ve been in your shoes.

Here's the President's income from previous tax returns --

2003: $238,327
2002: $259,394
2001: $272,759
2000: $240,505

As for saving for the girls education, Money Magazine, in 2007, advised they should start 529 college savings plans for their two girls.

Here's one students take on the speech --

“When he ran in 2008, he had an idea for an American opportunity tax credit, where you volunteer 200 hours in your local community and get a $4,000 tax credit. … I didn’t see much about that after the president took office.”


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