Wednesday, August 08, 2012


Some Iowa Conservatives were rapped on the knuckles with the ruler of Sister Christian Simone Campbell of Nuns On The Bus Fame.

Another view: What Iowa conservatives should be talking about

Once again out of out of state* money and opinions are only welcome in Iowa when they come from the left and the scientific community is united in that fact.

I particularly enjoyed the Sister's lecture -- No political party or candidate has it completely right on these (family) issues, but that Democrats are closer to getting it correct on this issue.

Sister Simone claims as a Catholic and as a Christian, my values are grounded in the gospel. 

The Gospel according to Obama

Once has to love the irony of the concerned Sister's polluting the environment as their bus traveled from Iowa to Illinois, Wisconsin, Indiana, Ohio, Michigan, Pennsylvania, Maryland, Virginia and Washington, D.C.

That's family friendly.
 *Out of state money is supposed to be bad.


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