Wednesday, August 08, 2012

The Big Crash?

A group called Progress Iowa tried to organize a Crash Mitt Romney's Private Country Club Event!
via Facebook.

They extended 37 online invites to such heavyweights as Danny Homan and ASSME Iowa; Ken Sagar; Bonnie Campbell; Mari Culver; Charlie Wishman and John Deeth.

According to the Ragister, 15 or 20 people showed up for the street demonstration, including many with ties to unions, the activist group Iowa Citizens for Community Improvement and other liberal organizations.

That shouldn't merit media coverage and the scientific community is united in that fact.

Protesters quoted include, Ryan Maher (a Socialist brother to Bill), who state brilliantly on a sign -- “Hey, Mr. One Percent, open up your country club event to the real job creators.”

And that would be a carpet layer from Des Moines?

When you look and think like Ryan, the only thing you can lay is carpet.

Also in attendance were Jan Laue who said -- “Mitt Romney and his rich benefactors are behind the gate while ordinary people are out on the street. It’s symbolic of what would happen if Mitt Romney were elected.”

As you can see from our first picture Laue is correct, as there has been a fence around the White House since 1876.

Michael Hunt, a spokesman for the Iowa Democratic Party, wore a Mitt Romney Halloween mask as he held a sign criticizing “Romney economics.”

Mike Hunt, what a tremendous ASSet to Iowa Dummycrats.


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