The Brothers Johnson?
I wanted to share these HIGHlights, of the recent Johnson County Democrats Hall of Fame dinner, thanks to John Deeth and his blog.
According to State Senator Jack ASS...err, Hatch -- "Iowa has highest percentage of children with health insurance in the country"
As of 2011, the Georgetown University Health Policy Institute Center for Children and Families found Massachusetts, Vermont, Connecticut, Hawaii, Illinois and New Hampshire had the lowest rates of uninsured children.
Jack Ass comes across as a little less than truthful with the press in his run for Governor, telling them --
I’m thinking about it. I wish I could say more, but until the session is over, I’m going to be focused on that. I don’t want any of my colleagues to be diverted from working with me on legislation that’s real important to the state.
To JoCo Dems, Hatch acknowledged that recently leaked news that he'd formed an exploratory committee for governor, and he pledges to stand on principle. "For the first time in 8 years, we'll have a governor who won't make decisions based on polls," he said, in an implied shot at Chet Culver. "Democrats win when we vote with our heart."
A blast to the bow of Big Lug Butt...err Nut!
From CONgressman Dave No Sack...err Loebsack -- Our future is at stake. When I was a political science professor I used to hate when politicians said things like 'our future is at stake,' but this time it's really true
In 2007 No Sack used a similar line, but it was the future of our children that was at stake.
One speaker shared -- "I'm a product of a broken home... politically, My mother was a Democrat and my father was a Republican. Dad always said 'know something about the person before you vote.' Mom, not so much."
That explains Barack Obama and the scientific community is united in that fact.
Finally, we came across this Deeth wannabe in the guise of one Dwayne Johnson.
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