Saturday, May 27, 2006

It's Pure Politics

If you needed proof that all the pontificating about the N.S.A.'s data mining of international calls is purely political, look no further. The four-star general who helped design the program, as the director of the National Security Agency, was OVERWHELMINGLY confirmed as the next CIA director. The final tally was 78-15, seven Senators were not there to vote. Those voting against America included the usual fiberals; Hillary Clinton, Christopher Dodd, John Kerry, Ted Kennedy and Iowa's own CommieTommie Harkin. Also yesterday, the Senate Judiciary Committee postponed a vote on issuing subpoenas to the CEO's of AT&T, BellSouth, Qwest and Verizon. Senators John Kyl, Orrin Hatch and Dianne Feinstein said the executives should be questioned in a closed session to protect the effectiveness of the NSA surveillance. Senator Richard J. Durbin questioned the value of a closed session if members could not publicly discuss what the executives told the committee. "What's the point?"

The point DICK would be not to let our enemies know! Besides, it's not like he or Senator Patrick Leahy wouldn't leak the closed session information.


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