Monday, July 24, 2006

In need of Special Effects

According to the New York Post....

Hillary Rodham Clinton's campaign army has increased its ranks to 50 staffers and more than 20 consultants, specialists in everything from fund-raising to speech-writing to hairstyling and makeup.

Recently released federal fund-raising records show Clinton shelled out $1,500 in April for Goetz to carefully craft her coiffure and another $1,000 for a camera-ready clip in May.

Clinton was so desperate for Goetz to style her gilded mane, she picked up the scissor siren's travel tab in April and expenses tab in May.

Clinton invested another $3,000 for makeup maestro Barbara Lacy to brush on some blush.

Lacy is a Tinseltown pro who applied the makeup to actors' mugs in movies including "Minority Report," "Runaway Bride," "National Treasure" and "In the Line of Fire."

HRC has raised $40 Million, so far, for her reelection. It's no surprise that a lot of that money comes from Hollywood stars(?). HRC's going to need every penny because Beauty is skin deep, but Ugly goes to the bone.


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