Thursday, January 11, 2007

Good riddance Goober

With apologies to George Lindsey!

It's the last full day for The Pickle to be the leader of a free Iowa.

I had the pleasure(?) of meeting The Pickle when he was just an unknown State Senator from Mount Pilot (oops Pleasant) and was running against Mark McCormick in the Dummycrat primary for Governor.

I was an Executive Vice President of a union local and he came to speak to our Executive Board.

He was the most negative candidate I have ever met, almost non-stop in disparaging his opponent.

The only reason The Pickle won the primary is that Mark McCormick's brother, Dick, was the CEO of US WEST/QWEST telephone company and the Communications Workers of America hated Dick. Mark received the wrath of the union vote, a majority of Dummycrat primary voters.

The Pickle reminds me a lot of Bill Clinton.

I'm not insinuating that he was getting a "hummer" from Sally Pederson.

I just believe he was a phony, did real well for his friends and thanks to a Republican legislature his ability to do long term damage to this state was minimal.

Most Iowans won't be able to tell you one thing he accomplished.

Even the Ragister can't objectively find his accomplishments, resorting to The Pickle's own self promotion.

If you want to read a good run down of The Pickle's legacy click on State 29.

I know Chris and I have laughed about never finding who "stole" his son's automobile from Terrace Hill.

Chris & I have both toured Terrace Hill, when the Branstad family resided there, and were even allowed into the security center in the basement.

There are WAY TOO MANY cameras for anyone not to see what was going on.

My theory was the dipstick was too drunk to put it in park, it explains why the keys were in it and nobody has ever been found.

In his, "I wanna be President State of the State", The Pickle said, "I have given it my all, and I have done my best".

To paraphrase James Ingram's 'Just Once'...Your best wasn't good enough!

Governor Vilsack was a big mistake.....President Vilsack would be even bigger!


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