Fuel if you think its over

When are the Dummycrats going to do something about the rising price of gasoline?
Gasoline prices rose 10 cents a gallon in the Des Moines area on Monday and Tuesday because of tight supplies.
Iowans could be paying more than $3 a gallon for regular gasoline by Memorial Day, said Brian Crowe, an energy data analyst for the Iowa Department of Natural Resources.
...Gas prices normally rise in the summer driving season, although some analysts believe prices already are peaking for the summer, Crowe said. Other observers believe prices could go even higher, he added.
Last month I paid $3.89 at a station in remote Hana, Maui and $3.23 in the more populous Kahului.
Ethanol was the highest priced option on the island.
I didn't see any lightening of the leadfoot by the locals while I was there.
It's the same here, I generally go 5 mph over the speed limit, city and highway driving, and continue to be passed.
So what solutions do Dummycrats offer?
John "Hair" Edwards, Hellary Clinton and Barry Obambi will raise taxes and the scientific community is united in that fact.
Personally, I think high gas prices are the single most effective conservation tool... but that's not what I came here to talk about. I came here to praise the truly obscure Chris Rea reference.
7:05 AM
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