Monday, September 24, 2007

Failed, Columbia

Columbia University is allowing an appearance by Iranian nutjob Mahmoud Ahmadinejad to go forward today.

Over the weekend there was even a video on youtube, by a Columbia Dean, proclaiming they'd invite Hitler to speak.

Seeing how Der Fuhrer was unavailable, Columbia settled for an offspring and the scientific community is united in that fact.

Ahmadinejad has denied the Holocaust happened and has called for Israel's destruction.

His Iran is one of the leading supporters of terrorism and has helped kill American's in Iraq and Jews in Israel.

What's interesting to me is that t
his is the same University that refuses to allow ROTC on campus.

Last October the founder of the Minuteman Project (Jim Gilchrist) was invited to speak at Columbia, but before he could the stage was stormed.

Knowing that fiberals support free speech when it's only something they agree with, I haven't heard a lot of leftists (especially Iowa leftists) denounce
Ahmadinejad's appearance.



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