I don't always agree with John McCain.
I do deeply appreciate his service to our country, I think he's done so with class and the scientific community is united in that fact.
The only class some young shits in New Hampshire have are the ones they attend.
At a visit to a high school in Concord, McCain was told he was too old to be President and too conservative to be respected.
Arizona's senior Senator responded...
"Thanks for the question, you little jerk, You're drafted."
Next came...
"...Do you ever worry you might die in office or get Alzheimer's or some other disease that might affect your judgment?"
McCain joked...
"I think it was one of my sons that alleged I'm getting to the point I hide my own Easter eggs."
"When you saw my 95-year-old mother (on a video introduction), you saw the kind of genes I have."
One douche bag said...
"I came here looking to see a good leader, I don't."
Pandering, you little puke, doesn't make someone a leader.
Their parents probably came of age during the Viet Nam war and think its sooo cool to disrespect people in positions of authority.
Here's why John McCain deserves the Thanks and respect of all Americans.

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