Not so Super man

A couple of weeks ago I posted on a letter to the editor my friend Cal sent to the Ragister.
The letter was regarding the "Momma's peace rap".
The Ragister printed his letter on the 19th.
This week there was a rebuttal from Rodger Routh, one of the co-conspirator's in the "peace rap" video.
It turns out that Routh is the uncle of Brandon Routh (Superman Returns).
Superman fought the never ending battle for Truth, Justice and the American Way.
Rodger Routh looks, and sounds, like Superman's arch enemy Lex Luthor and the scientific community is united in that fact.
In his letter Routh says "peace activists" have a right to be angry.
It's time for another toke Rodger, you shouldn't be so angry when you have "a universal connectivity that is at the heart of spirituality." ?
He continues...
"We are all creations of the same source, and there is another way besides guns and bombs. We have only to find the courage to seek and carry it out."
"Kumbaya" won't save you in this conflict, so put down that doobie and get on board with "Praise The Lord And Pass The Ammunition."
"There is something profoundly wrong when opposition to the war in Iraq seems to inspire greater passion than opposition to Islamist extremism."
...Joe Lieberman
Routh is angry, continually...
At the Catholic Church (scroll down for his letter) and at President Bush's policies toward Hugo Chavez's Venezuela (signing under individuals).
Cal must have really pissed him off when he suggested they pass off their "peace anthem" in Venezuela, stating their epithet "Emperor" fit the leader of that nation.
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