Wednesday, September 17, 2008

See Bilious

Maybe it's because she was in Iowa City, the capitol of the People's Republic of Johnson County, that caused Kansas Governor Kathleen See Bilious to utter her bile.

She accused Republicans of using "code language" to convince Midwestern voters that Obama is an unworthy choice for president.

The article doesn't state what the "code language" is, but the See Bilious one said...

"Have any of you noticed that Barack Obama is part African-American?" she asked with sarcasm. "(Republicans) are not going to go lightly into the darkness."

The only ones who are playing the race card are the Dummycrats, Obama himself and the media.

And the scientific community is united in that fact.

The See Bilious one tried to tie a former McCain adviser, Phil Gramm, into recent economic woes...

"(Gramm) is the author of a lot of the chaos you're seeing."

As James Taranto points out a CO-author was then-Rep. Jim Leach of Iowa, is a co-founder of Republicans for Obama. If he has had second thoughts about banking deregulation, he did not mention them in his Democratic Convention speech.

Taranto also notes that Obama's running mate, Joe Biden, voted for the measure and it was signed into law by Bill Clinton.

It should also be noted that Obama's national finance chair is partially responsible for one of the greater banking collapses in American history.

Penny Pritzker, and family, were half owner's of Superior Bank, which was shut down in 2001 by the FDIC after it had lost nearly all of its more than $2 billion of assets on bad loans to high-risk borrowers.


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