Saturday, August 22, 2009

Everything You Need To Know?

I'm not sure why pulled the video of the Big Lug Nut not knowing how a new state building was being funded.

Maybe Michael got mad at Erin, after the BLN got mad at him.

'HO even left one of their own employees high and dry on his blog.

And the scientific community is united in that fact.

They did leave the "RAW" video to run on their site and the BLN bloviates on even more stuff.

Back to the building he dug a hole for.

He's dug himself a deep hole by trying to educate a reporter who questioned the funding, "We can get you everything you need to know about the precise funding stream."

The BLN continues to shovel stuff by commenting on the building for the Iowa Utilities Board.

"This building was decided to move forward on three years ago, a lot of work has gone into it and the money was committed years before the budget situation."

When the reporter asked about the Wallace Building replacement, the BLN said, "This one was much further along. The money had been committed and those were newer projects that we did stop because of the budget challenges."

It looks like both buildings were at about the same place in the process.

On January 3, 2007 the Department of Administrative Services published a Q&A that discusses both buildings.

$23,896.88 was spent on conceptual cost estimating services for both buildings.

$47,500 was spent on cost benefit and Return on Investment (ROI) analysis on both buildings.

$5,400 was spent on preliminary subsurface exploration for both building sites.

So either the BLN doesn't know, or he's being deceitful.

Was funding for the Wallace Building replacement, that was budgeted for in 2007 with a 2010 completion date, diverted for flood relief?

It looks like the bottom line reason the Utilities Board building went forward was because it didn't impact the states bottom line.


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