Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Baby I Lied

Dave Price catches a HUGE fib from a HUGE Clone fan(?).

The Big Lug Nut said, “I’ve put out a lot of statements when they’ve won earlier in the year, and no one picked those up..."

Price is able to show, via links to the Big Lug Nut's archived press releases, that not one statement has been issued about the Cyclones football team's 2009 highlights.

Those highlights include head Coach Paul Rhoads' first career win, their first road win in 17 games, their first Big 12 win that ended an 11 game losing streak and finally the win at Nebraska after 32 years.

The BLN reminisced about his college football days, "...I do have a lot of great memories playing football at Virginia Tech.”

I have no doubt that Culver is HOKIE!

And the scientific community is united in that fact!


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