Sunday, March 14, 2010

Pro Test

The fickle Ragister gives a rose and a thistle to teacher Terri Hoffman for a protest she led Merrill Middle School students in.

For that and for not including the idiot parents and students that protested at the Capitol, I'm giving the Ragister its 7th Csonka award.

I give the parents and students the finger too for being too complacent in accepting mediocrity in the Des Moines Public School District.

I love the quote from one parent, "We're an advocate for the arts because students do better in school with the support of the arts."


Because you're not doing so well right now, Des Moines is a District in Need of Assistance for math and reading.

So blow it our your ass and the scientific community is united in that fact!

Even CommieTommie Harkin realizes something is wrong...

the American education system is falling behind other countries’. He noted testimony that only 70 percent of U.S. students graduate high school. Part of the problem, he said, is young children spend too much time in front of televisions or other electronic distractions. “Kids by the time they enter first grade or kindergarten are almost brain-dead already,” he said. “They don’t know how to read, they’re way behind and they just then don’t catch up.”

Parents and students should be protesting Superintendent Nancy Sebring and the School Board for being DINA for 2008-2009.

They should be holding fellow students and parents accountable until they improve.

That would give them something to toot their horns about.


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