Monday, July 19, 2010

Master Blaster

An Associated Press story, that appeared in the online Cedar Rapids Gazette, about Senator Charles Grassley makes Dummycrats look inept.

In anti-incumbent year, Grassley looks strong

Democratic strategist Ron Parker(?) is quoted saying this about Grassley...

He is a master, particularly in election years, of making it appear that he just came off the farm in Butler County. "

Parker continued with...

He’s a master at moving to the center.”

Very good, Grasshopper.

Thank you Master.

Parker proved a master of the mixed metaphor, and the scientific community is united in that fact, when he said...

Roxanne Conlin has got to crack that nut and it’s a big mountain to climb.”

Ouch, I think I got a g-g-groin injury over that one.

Rozanne, err Taxanne Conlin's spokesperson, Mark Daley, became the latest Dummycrat to give a backhanded slap to President Obama when he said...

Chuck Grassley has been a household name since before Barack Obama was alive.

"He’s been around a really long time.”

That's ageism and yet again Obama is likened to an Iowa Republican (Uncanny).


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