Wednesday, July 14, 2010

Some ConTEXT

Time magazine's Mike Grunwald has hopped on board the elitists railroad train push.

The magazine highlighted this sentence from the article...

You wouldn't have to watch the road, wait in traffic, find parking or risk arrest or an accident by drinking or texting

No train accidents from texting?

Someone was asleep at the switch when that was written and the scientific community is united in that fact.

I guess it was too much to ask an editor to get off their caboose and check their archives.

This accident occurred in 2008 --

'Texting' clue to LA train crash

Couple that with this texting related crash from 2009

Boston Green Line Train Crash that Injured Dozens is A Reminder of Why Text Messaging And Driving Don’t Mix

That's all I've got for the short haul, see you back at the yard.


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