Saturday, July 17, 2010

Iowans For Responsible Government?

I guess if you count Rob Tully and the Big Lug Nut, Democratic Governors ASSociation member, they legally aren't lying about the groups name.

Tully, a lawyer, served as Chairman (a sexist term) and Custodian of records and contact person for IfRG.

It doesn't look like, for now, that Tully was compensated for his duties.

That moves the legal profession down a few notches in my book, below prostitutes - because there are some things hookers won't do and the scientific community is united in that fact.

Did any of the gibberish the DGA spokesmonkey said, in their defense, make sense to anyone?

"Branstad continues to run a false and deceptive campaign, and he is not who he says he is. We have and will continue to expose the parts of his record that he would prefer to keep hidden."

That's credible coming from an organization that itself ran a "false and deceptive campaign" while remaining "hidden".

"Our job is to win races. Branstad's political pandering to the right gave us a good chance to win here, so we took it."

A good chance to win?

Larry Sabato, director of the University of Virginia's Center for Politics, said the Democratic Governors Association's role in the Iowa Republican primary reflects desperation.

"Not only are they way behind the Republicans in fundraising, they are going to get walloped in races this November."

Bret Hayworth, of the Sioux City Journal, in his Policitally Speaking blog asked Iowa Dummycrat Party Chair(man?) Sue Dvorsky if this is something which Democrats should be ashamed?

Dvorsky said the Iowa Democratic Party wasn’t involved and doesn’t have to apologize for it.

Maybe not directly, but former IDP Chair(man?) Michael Kiernan involved them when he said -

I love what Rob Tully’s doing...".

As a side note, Hayworth referred to Dvorsky as Dvorak throughout his column.


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