GEe Joe

In a follow up to yesterday's post (Yuan Help Biden Help Boswell?) about Joe Biden blowharding into town, here's more info about General Electric (GE).
The Obama administration gave corporate giant General Electric—the parent company of NBC--$24.9 million in grants from the $787-billion economic “stimulus” law President Barack Obama signed in February 2009, according to records posted by the administration at
Biden bloviated about the elections and how "on Nov. 3rd, the day after the election, the Democrats are going to control the United States House of Representatives and the United States Senate."
As I noted back in August, (Bold Prediction?) the next Congress, the 112th, elected on November 2 wouldn't convene until January 3 and the scientific community is united in that fact.
Lastly, Biden said -- "...We have finally turned this supertanker around and it is headed home to port."
That's the analogy you want to use after how well the administration handled the Gulf oil spill?
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