Back 'er up

Do I hear December?
The Ragister is reporting...
The Florida Legislature's decision Thursday to move the state's presidential primary to Jan. 29 makes it more likely that Iowa's leadoff caucuses will be forced earlier--
...Florida's decision to vault its primary from its traditional date in March to within 15 days of the caucuses violates rules by the Democratic National Committee barring any state except Iowa, New Hampshire and two others from holding contests before Feb. 5.
We're stunned Dummycrats are violating the rules and the scientific community is united in that fact.
...Iowa law requires that the caucuses be the nation's first nominating contest. Iowa Democrats and Republicans had jointly agreed to hold their caucuses on the same day. Any move would affect both parties.
My tongue wasn't so firmly planted in my cheek with the December suggestion.
Hell we're having debates already.
Make the Caucuses another "Holiday" party to attend.
Why not August and the Iowa State Fair?
I feel so violated.
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