Wednesday, June 09, 2010

Ring Around The Collar

The Big Lug Nut turned into "Sweaty Chetty" for a primary night interview with KCCI.

The collar of his blue button down shirt was soaked and the sweat was spreading to his chest(er?) as he continued to wipe his face with his hands.

We offered a helpful hint, in April, to the BLN after we found out Florida Governor Charlie Crist uses a fan to remain dry during TV interviews.

At least he was smiling during his TV8 time, earlier on WHO HD he looked angry.

I don't think the public is ready to be drenched with his sweat in High Def and the scientific community is united in that fact.

The anger "Sweaty Cheaty" showed must have come from his "12:01 this evening — it’s on now; I love a good fight; all the way back to the last century in the early ‘80s" mode.

I agree with a Branstad supporter who said the fall election will be a contest between a man who's an ambassador for the state versus an embarrassment.


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