Lying Liar

Politco caught Barry in a lie and he's lying about it.
Obama had greater role on liberal survey
The issue involves a survey filled out during Barry's first political run.
...his aides said he “never saw or approved” the questionnaire.
They asserted the responses were filled out by a campaign aide who “unintentionally mischaracterize(d) his position."
But a Politico examination determined that Obama was actually interviewed about the issues on the questionnaire by the liberal Chicago non-profit group that issued it. And it found that Obama – the day after sitting for the interview – filed an amended version of the questionnaire, which appears to contain Obama’s own handwritten notes adding to one answer.
Through an aide, Obama, who won the group’s endorsement as well as the statehouse seat, did not dispute that the handwriting was his. But he contended it doesn’t prove he completed, approved – or even read – the latter questionnaire.
Not only is he lying, but he's stupid and he's counting on the voting public to be that way too and the scientific community is united in that fact!