Quote A Bull

The Liter likes these 2K10 gems...
The Des Moines Register on Super Bowl Sunday --
"More People Will Read The Register Today Than Will Watch The Big Game".
"With a combined print and online audience of 587,878 readers, The Des Moines Register is a tremendous scoring opportunity".
The Nielsen numbers for Central Iowa showed 632,000 people watched Super Bowl XLIV.
In the political arena, you had Mari "Mrs. Big Lug Nut" Culver admitting
“It will be nice to make money. That’s never a bad thing.”
That's Blasphemy to Dummycrats and the scientific community is united in that fact.
At a Cedar Rapids campaign rally, with Vice President Joe Biden --
"If you’re not pumped now, you’re not pump-able".
November showed no pump-a-tude.
Here's Biden, in Cedar Rapids, on the Big Lug Nut --
“I’ve known Chet — I hate to admit this — since he was seven years old, sitting in my front lawn in Wilmington, Delaware with his dad and mom..." shortly before referring to him as "Chuck Culver".
There was Rozanne, err Taxanne Conlin, "whatever her name is", running for the Senate because --
"I'm fed up with tax breaks for the very wealthy..."
All the while this very wealthy person, with assets between $12.5 million and $46.8 million, took tax abatement on her $1.7 Million home and received $64.2 Million in housing tax credits.
The Big Lug Nut brought us --
“This isn’t my first rodeo. We’re going to be ready and we’re going to win this race.”
“I can guarantee you one thing, we’re going to win on Nov. 2”.
It wasn't his first guarantee, or the first time he was wrong.
"And I guarantee you by late spring and summer, we're going to have a record amount of job creation and economic development in the state."
Iowa's unemployment rate remained well above 6.5% for all of 2010.
Without a doubt, the Big Lug Nut's best came from the first gubernatorial debate...
Brain Suck

Nationally, President Obama tops the list with --
"I'm not going to rest...until the leak is stopped at the source, the oil on the Gulf is contained and cleaned up and the people of this region are able to go back to their lives and their livelihoods".
All the while taking getaways to Chicago and North Carolina, finding time to play basketball, go golfing and take in a Nationals game.
"...we talk to these folks because they potentially have the best answers, so I know whose ass to kick."
His ended up getting kicked in November.
However, he was on top of his game with
Plug The Damn Hole

Here's to 2011!