Dem rules is different if you're from Massachusetts

At least Congressman Mark Foley (R-FL) resigned his seat for questionable e-mails & instant messages he sent teenage male pages.
Over twenty years ago Representative Gerry Studds(D-MA), top, was censured by the House for propositioning 3 male teenage pages and having sex with one 17 year old page.
Studds physically turned his back on the House as the censure was being read to him.
Studds later held a press conference and stated what happened between them was nobody's business but their own.
Massachusetts elected Studds 5 more times after his censure, before he retired in 1997!
Take Barney Frank, pictured limp wristed, (D-MA)......PLEASE!!!!!
Nearly 20 years ago Frank's was reprimanded for a relationship with call boy Steve Gobie.
Frank made Gobie a personal aide, at a $20,000 salary that was not reported. He and Gobie attended public functions, including a White House ceremony.
Gobie also ran a prostitution ring out of Frank's apartment.
Gobie it turned out was a convicted felon with a prison record. That didn't stop Frank's from writing letters of reference to his probation officers.
Voters in the Commonwealth continue to send him to Congress.
The Grandaddy of them all is Teddy Kennedy!
Kennedy is pictured counting the number of murders he's gotten away with--most notably the 1969 drowning of Mary Jo Kopechne.
Teddy is once again up for re-election and the voters in the Bay state will show their enlightenment by sending him back to the Senate.
Have they no sense of decency?