Obama honored that request by having to look down at the bracelet and uttering, "Uh" while trying to recall the Sergeant's name.
It turns out that Sergeant Jopek's mother, Tracy, has asked him not to wear the bracelet any more at any of his public appearances and that she's taken aback, even upset, that Obama has made the death of her son a campaign issue.
Remarkably after spending years of service to his country, in the military, and after having been singled out for "special attention" for who he was while held prisoner by an enemy of this country, some people (on their crappy blogs) want to make an issue of McCain not wearing an American flag on his lapel.
The man is a living embodiment of what the flag means and actually lives Country First.
Obama and his supporters have tried to make an issue of a President needing to handle more than one issue at a time (multi-tasking), these are the same people who piss and moan when a President doesn't focus entirely on one issue.
We didn't think McCain started well, but got up to speed.
When McCain talked of warning about Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac he should have mentioned how the Dummycrats, including Obama, were against the bill he co-sponsored to crack down on those agencies.
When Obama talked about China's space launch and space walk, Chris responded that we've been in space for over 40 years.
McCain had a good line with...
"Senator Obama has the most liberal voting record in the United States Senate. It's hard to reach across the aisle from that far to the left."
He should have mentioned how Obama votes with his Dummycrat ilk 97% of the time.
It was interesting when Obama got confused as to McCain's first name, at one point calling him Tom (for Senator Tom Coburn). I thought McCain was supposed to be the demented circus monkey?
As someone who loves history, it was the first time I'd ever heard, as Obama stated, during the Great Depression Roosevelt purchased a whole bunch of homes.
Contrary to Obama's belief, as all Fiberals, we were greeted as liberators in Iraq.
Obama tried to make people believe in his infamous 2002 Iraq speech he was worried it would take the focus away from Afghanistan (he never mentioned that country in that speech), or that there was no clear exit strategy from Iraq (also never mentioned).
Obama needs to get up to speed on Pakistan as more than 8,000 Pakistani troops have been involved in campaign against al-Qaeda for six weeks.
I found Obama's "I've got a bracelet too" comment weird, after McCain talked about the bracelet he was given and that "I will wear his bracelet with honor."
On the Kyl-Lieberman amendment concerning the Republican Guard in Iran, the resolution said nothing about military action or use of force.
Obama was in New Hampshire campaigning for President, but that didn't stop him from criticizing Hillary for supporting it.
Here's what Chris Dodd said about Obama at the time...
"Barack Obama is criticizing Hillary for the vote, but Barack missed the vote. What the hell is he talking about?"
John Edwards said...
"This is a question for the campaign or for him: Why, if it was so important, didn't he come back from New Hampshire?"
McCain got another good line in, after Obama wondered who he would meet with, when he said...
"I'm not going to set the White House visitors schedule before I'm president of the United States. I don't even have a seal yet."
In Obama's closing statement he talked about al-Qaeda operating in 60 countries, but he's only going to focus on Afghanistan?
McCains ended strong with...
"I guarantee you, as president of the United States, I know how to heal the wounds of war, I know how to deal with our adversaries, and I know how to deal with our friends."
You can just see that McCain has nothing but contempt for Obama, because he finds it very difficult to look at him.
Obviously McCain has to be declared the winner, even Obama thought so as he stated Senator McCain was right at least 8 times.
Here's an interesting video interview with Frank J. Fahrenkopf, Jr., Co-Chair of the Commission on Presidential Debates, as to the illegality of a one candidate debate.
"...open up a window to loan money to treasury plus 2 percent, and people want to come in and borrow the money and the responsibility of a workout not a bailout, and those people want to work their way out over the next three to five years.
I'm comfortable saying this is a liquidity crisis; let's meet it; let's loan the money. But let's make sure they are responsible for their bad debt, and they're going to work their way out.
Gingrich also suggests...
* Replace the current snapshot to market with a rolling three-year average.
* Change the current loan reserve pattern so it's not pro-cyclical.
This is exactly the time when the American people need to hear from the person who in approximately 40 days will be responsible for dealing with this mess."
"In my mind, actually, it's more important than ever that we present ourselves to the American people and try to describe where we want to take the country and where we want to take the economy as well as dealing with some of the issues of foreign policy that were initially the subject of the debate."
I haven't seen anywhere that the topic for the initial debate has changed, as a matter of fact the original debate topic proposed by the commission was to be on economic issues and the third on foreign policy — in part, people involved in the process said, because the first debate is usually the most watched, and many voters rank the economy as their top concern.
Mr. Obama wanted domestic issues to come last; advisers said that they believed even before the start of the financial crisis that the election was most likely to turn on the state of the economy and that he wanted the final televised exchange to focus on those concerns.
That came during a CNN/YouTube Dummycrat Debate in July of 2007.
If a U.S. Senator had been "shot at" in Iraq, or had his helicopter "forced down" in Afghanistan, you would have heard about it somewhere other than here.
It certainly explains why Biden feels Hellary's qualified to be Veep.
The haters are happy as the 26 time World Champion New York Yankees have been eliminated from the post season after a string of 13 consecutive appearances.
Fear not fans, as the team will be busy in the off season changing the roster by getting rid of some of the dead weight and adding fresh talent.
Said the man who over a ten year period has given only $120 - $995 per year to charity when the average American in his income level gives over $20,000.
Biden, pictured in a University of Delaware Fighting Blue Hen hat, told his fellow alumni...
It sounds like Team Obama/Biden has written off Ohio.
Recently he talked with Katie Couric about the nation's economic challenges...
"When the stock market crashed, Franklin Roosevelt got on the television and didn't just talk about the princes of greed. He said, 'look, here's what happened.'"
When the stock market crashed in 1929, F.D.R. was Governor of New York.
If television was so popular, why did he do all those fireside chats on radio when he became President?
Now Biden shows how phony the Obama energy plan is...
"No coal plants here in America," he said. "Build them, if they're going to build them, over there. (Meaning China) Make them clean."
"We’re not supporting clean coal," he said of himself and Obama.
“You know we have enough coal in the United States of America to meet out needs domestically for the better part of the next hundred to 200 years.”
"...investing it in coal gasification, finding out what we can do with carbon sequestration, finding out how we can burn the coal that you dig that can free us from being dependent on foreign oil countries and at the same time not ruin the environment."
Now the press (ABC) is picking up on Biden's Helleryesque Sniper Fire statement, that the Liter pointed out on September 10.
Yesterday Biden told the National Guard Association about the area where my helicopter was forced down...
Here's how fellow Senator John Kerry described the same flight that the pilot decided to land because of weather...
"We were going to send Biden out to fight the Taliban with snowballs, but we didn't have to do it…Other than getting a little cold, it was fine."
Joes' been caught embellishing the truth regarding the accident that killed his first wife and their daughter.
Poor Joe, he's also got Barack pointing out his errors.
After Biden condemmed the ad making fun of John McCain for not sending e-mail or using a computer...
"I thought that was terrible by the way." the campaign later had Biden justifying the ad.
Obama also chasitised his runningmate's initial response to the bailout of AIG, because it was the same as Senator McCain.
Tina Fey piled it on after winning Emmy's for 30 SCLOCK...
She even shrugged off her resemblance to Gov. Sarah Palin, whom she won raves for portraying on the season premier of "Saturday Night Live."
"But then my kids saw her on TV and started saying, 'Mommy?'" she said.
She was more open about her thoughts on reprising the "SNL" role.
As in, she'd prefer not to."I want to be done playing this lady Nov. 5," she said. "So if anybody can help me be done playing this lady Nov. 5, that would be good for me."
Today, the last game will be played in what has often been called The House That Ruth Built.
In September of 2004, Chris and I had the opportunity to see a couple of games in the Yankees-Red Sox rivalry.
We headed to the Stadium early before the last game to take the tour of Monument Park in Left-Center Field.
There are three original standing monuments to Babe Ruth, Lou Gehrig and Miller Huggins, numerous other plaques have been added over the years.
I remember as a kid seeing Yankee games on TV, back then the three monuments were actually on the field of play. I recall thinking they were tombstones with them buried beneath and believing it was rude for the players to retrieve balls hit out there.
Chris' favorite part was when the grounds crew swept the infield and changed the bases all the while performing to the Village People's YMCA.
Four years ago the stadium seemed so old and seamy, but I'll admit that I am a bit torn to see a piece of history razed.
After hiring the person that hired him, Dummycrat shill Phil Roeder, is ending his thirteen month gig as spokesperson for the Des Moines Public Schools.
Sums up my feelings for Becky Greenwald, as she's starting to be introduced to Iowa's Fourth Congressional District via the media.
KCCI TV8 gave her a couple of minutes on a newscast and she talked about being able to work across party lines as she slammed incumbent Tom Latham for being George Bush's wing man.
Greenwald also talked about the need for an "independent thinker" then went on to say she's "traveled globally throughout the world".
Is there any other way to travel globally?
The four people at her first stop seemed unenthusiastic, she got a bit of a better reception from the roughly ten people at the Perry Rotary Club.
To ensure that America remembers its responsibility to stand behind those who serve our nation and do everything possible to account for those who do not return.
She accused Republicans of using "code language" to convince Midwestern voters that Obama is an unworthy choice for president.
The article doesn't state what the "code language" is, but the See Bilious one said...
"Have any of you noticed that Barack Obama is part African-American?" she asked with sarcasm. "(Republicans) are not going to go lightly into the darkness."
The only ones who are playing the race card are the Dummycrats, Obama himself and the media.
The See Bilious one tried to tie a former McCain adviser, Phil Gramm, into recent economic woes...
"(Gramm) is the author of a lot of the chaos you're seeing."
As James Taranto points out a CO-author was then-Rep. Jim Leach of Iowa, is a co-founder of Republicans for Obama. If he has had second thoughts about banking deregulation, he did not mention them in his Democratic Convention speech.
Taranto also notes that Obama's running mate, Joe Biden, voted for the measure and it was signed into law by Bill Clinton.
Penny Pritzker, and family, were half owner's of Superior Bank, which was shut down in 2001 by the FDIC after it had lost nearly all of its more than $2 billion of assets on bad loans to high-risk borrowers.
Montana Governor Brian Schweitzer discussed poll numbers with the press...
"I think Montana is still tied, in Colorado (Democratic presidential nominee Barack Obama) is ahead, in New Mexico Obama is ahead. I don't know what part of the west they're talking about. Montana is still considered the west."
After painting his candidate in the best light with the polls, Schweitzer then contradicted his argument...
Schweitzer said he doubts polling which shows McCain gaining ground.
"Polls bounce back and forth. After every convention you get a little bit of a bounce. They were about tied when they started and they're about tied now."
It also sounded like he was flashing back to the '60s with HAIR, hash or something else...
"Our economy wouldn't survive without the Internet, and cyber-security continues to represent one our most serious national security threats. It's extraordinary that someone who wants to be our president and our commander in chief doesn't know how to send an e-mail."
For computer work, Senator McCain utilizes his wife and staff.