I ventured down to the capitol city of
Warren County, Indianola, for a visit from Republican Lt. Governor candidate
Kim Reynolds.
Right away I noticed the
Big Lug Nut's "
spy" was seated at a table.
The beret was the giveaway, who does he think he is --
John Deeth?
I went over and struck up a conversation, letting him know I'd seen the
Jason Clayworth blog post that outed him.
Noting an over abundance of chairs stacked in the back of the room, I told him I doubted he'd have to worry about giving his up his seat this time.
I found out he was originally from Cedar Rapids and I then mentioned my radio stop at The HAWK (
KHAK) in 1980.
He let me know that was before he was born --
OUCH!All in all, he was a very nice, polite young man with a good sense of humor.
I let his boss,
Ali Glisson, know (via e-mail) he represents the campaign well.
The event was to begin at 11 a.m. and the small gathering didn't have to wait long as Mrs. Reynolds walked in at 11:01 -- not bad.
She walked around the room and introduced herself to each attendee and then began her talk which was comprised mainly of her personal and professional background.
She opened it up to Questions, so I asked how the Branstad-Reynolds administration would handle department heads who didn't comply with
state law (like at DNR),
misspent taxpayer money (such as at IABD) or the IDED
film office fiasco?
She said she had talked with Governor Branstad and the key was getting good people to run the departments because that reflects back on you.
I asked what would be the first thing the Branstad-Reynolds administration looked to accomplish the day they take office, but before I could finish my question she knew exactly were I was going and mentioned Vilsack's (
The Pickle) executive order that restored voting rights to felons.
I told her it was like she read my mind.
After the Q&A was complete, she again greeted people individually and I thanked her for coming.
I found Kim Reynolds to be energetic, enthusiastic, with a passion for Iowa.
She will make an excellent Lt. Governor
and the scientific community is united in that fact.
House candidate (
District 73)
Julian Garret was in attendance and he stopped to talk, mentioning he reads the Liter. Thank you for that and your check is in the mail.
I will say I was disappointed in the attendance size, but the schedule wasn't released until Friday and Warren County went for
Vander Putz.