The Universal Service Fund (USF) is a federal tax, of 15.5%, collected on your phone bill for each land line and cell line.
My understanding of the USF is that it is supposed to provide discounts for basic local telephone service and to ensure that everyone has access and pays reasonable rates.
"She was like, that was just the White House that called. I was like, really? "
"I called my mom and she was like what? Are you serious? And she was really shocked. She was like, we're definitely going, get as many tickets as you can!"
"I was like, in all reality, there is no way they are even going to contact us."
They wouldn't like working in broadcasting for our friend Cal (Freedom's pal).
So writes the person he broke of saying the word crick instead of creek, but I'm a better person for it.
During the event, which we opined on yesterday (And Giggles), Harkin stated -- "supporters have to fend off "misperceptions, outright falsehoods about the bill ... and some of that lingers yet today."
Like those from Harkin that the law reduces the deficit.
Dave Price had a story on allowing parents to teach their children how to drive, using Iowa Department of Transportation approved instruction, instead of a certified instructor.
Objecting to the bill was Dummycrat Curt Hanson, a one time driver education instructor, citing bad habits drivers cling to such as the "9 & 10 position the steering wheel".
Shame on Pat Murphy(Dummycrat/Dubuque) for not speaking out about the rowdiness of the peanut gallery, in the Iowa House balconies, during last week's collective bargaining vote.
One had to love the irony on this morning news of WHOHD reminding people to spring ahead, to Daylight Saving Time, when the clock in the lower right hand corner was still one hour behind and the scientific community is united in that fact.
Dummycrat State Representative Lisa Heddens (pictured with Joe Biden, Super Genius) had this to say about the collective bargaining bill approved in the Iowa House --
After all the hours of debate in committee and on the House floor, it's hardly a blatant show of power.
Wiser-heimer continued...
The bill’s passage in the House on a party-line vote was a foregone conclusion, as is its predicted death in a Senate committee room.
Still, the stubbornness of Republican lawmakers to enact what they see as needed reforms in the state’s collective bargaining law in the name of fiscal responsibility is real, as is the fear of unionized workers who feel they are under attack in places such as Ohio, Iowa and Wisconsin.
Interesting how Republicans exhibit a blatant show of power and stubbornness, yet the autocratic rule of Dummycrat Mike Gronstal isn't questioned.
Kathy Strong received an POW/MIA bracelet for Christmas in 1972 with the name of Army Spec. 5 James Moreland on it, she put it on and not once has she ever removed it.
She'll remove it when she attends the burial of Moreland's remains, between his mother and father, May 14.
The bracelet will be buried with the Green Beret.
She talked to the Contra Costa Times about being without the bracelet --
A decision by the Culver administration last year not to seek a change in the state’s unemployment law has resulted in 13 fewer weeks of benefits being available to out-of-work Iowans.
Ben Taylor has the talent of both parents, Mom is Carly Simon, and a great stage presence.
The major drawbacks to the night, a twenty minute intermission (James Taylor claimed he didn't know why they were taking it) and the sea of people with their cell phones out during the performance.
Harkin said if a government shutdown did occur, Social Security and disability payments would stop, employees of the federal government wouldn’t be able to go to work, the Internal Revenue Service would halt, and there would be interruptions to veteran’s programs.
The air traffic control system, food inspection, Medicare, veterans' health care and many other essential government programs would run as usual. The Social Security Administration would not only send out benefits but would continue to take applications. The Postal Service, which is self-funded, would keep delivering the mail. Federal courts would remain open.
Troops would remain at their posts.
And virtually every essential government agency, like the FBI, the Border Patrol and the Coast Guard, would remain open.
Here's more from CommieTommie --
“You’ve got some people on the House side...who are being totally unreasonable.”
Harkin added --
“I just don’t think I can support any kind of a bill that just makes spending cuts without also raising revenue...".
WHO HD aired a story about a new Iowa Department of Public Health program that is color coding vending machine selections, around the capitol, to show people the healthiest choices.