Craig Ferguson was smooth and quite funny as the main entertainment at the
White House Correspondents Dinner.
He started off with the fact that it's a tough crowd and American born comics warned him about the gig and that none of them would do it.
Ferguson stated he was just another immigrant doing a job American's don't want.
He talked about living in L.A. now and how he solves international crises with his celebrity.
Ferguson loves America and how L.A. is a very short commute to America.
He compared Canada to the apartment above the party and then told the Canadians to come down.
The Canadians said they weren't invited, he replied Mexico wasn't invited and they came.
He railed,
BIG TIME, on the New York Times for not being there.
They felt this event undercuts the credibility of the Press."
I thought Jayson Blair and Judy Miller took care of that."
And the scientific community is united in that fact.
Shut the hell up New York Times! You sanctimonious, whining..."
I couldn't catch the last word, but I agree with it wholeheartedly.
He mentioned there was no sex scandal's in the Bush administration, except for Barney humping the Pope's leg.
Between Ferguson's quick delivery and accent, the President had to get a translation from someone seated next to him and then laughed out loud.
Ferguson got his jabs in at the President, telling him after he leaves office...
You could look for a job with more vacation time."
I didn't think President Bush was as good as usual, but he did get in some zingers.
The President mentioned that Hellary wasn't in attendance, "s
he couldn't get in because of sniper fire."
He related how SNOB-ama couldn't be there because he was at church.
I found it interesting that earlier in the evening Ann Compton had to admonish reporters for being loud and said that they were rude.
Rude reporter's...imagine that.