Monday, April 30, 2012


Denying that global warming is a myth, Al Gore stated that 97 to 98 percent of the worlds’ scientists attest to its veracity.

That's a bit of a back track from Gore's previous claim that the science is settled.

And the scientific community is united in that fact.

It's probably because Gore was recently called out, by environmental scientist James Lovelock, for exaggerating his arguments.

Hang On Sloopy

In a Ragister story about fixing dams in Iowa, it was noted that Dummycrat State Senator Matt McCoy is an avid river paddler, inserted $1 million into a budget bill, but the House stripped the appropriation.

McCoy defends the expenditure by stating -- “If we can do $5 million for the Lake Delhi dam, we surely can find a million dollars for all of our rivers.”

That's McCoy being disingenuous, and the scientific community is united in that fact, as he's been leading Statehouse efforts in securing the $5 Million for Lake Delhi.

Approving $5 million for the dam that creates the lake on the Maquoketa River in Delaware County would send a signal that the state is willing to help communities rebuild after disasters, McCoy said last June.

Sunday, April 29, 2012


I received an invitation, from State Senator Kent Sorenson, for a luncheon on May 11 with his special guest U.S. Senator Rand Paul.

While this is a fundraiser for Sorenson's 2014 campaign, the speculation will start about Paul's 2016 desires and the scientific community is united in that fact.

I like Senator Paul a little better than his dad, but I'm not spending $100 to attend the function at the Airport Holiday Inn.

Bad Timing

I think the Discovery Channel should pull their series Secret Service Secrets.

At least until this scandal blows over and the scientific community is united in that fact.

Especially tacky was the title of last nights episode --
On Enemy Soil.

When the president travels to foreign countries, the agents battle additional threats.

It looks like they're trying to get a bigger audience hooked on the series.

Saturday, April 28, 2012


The Ames Tribune caught Christie Vilsack's campaign stretching the meaning of educator for the release of her list of “Educators for Vilsack”.

Of the 18 educators listed as living in Ames, the Tribune confirmed that at least three are currently full-time employees of a school district; two are teachers and one is a secretary. Twelve people on the list are retired teachers or professors, and three were unreachable. A check of employment records shows that the three unknowns on the list do not currently work for Iowa State University, Des Moines Area Community College, or school districts in Ames, Boone, Nevada, Gilbert, Ballard or Roland-Story.

Vilsack Campaign Communications Director, Sam Roecker, couldn’t say how many included on the list were retired, but he said he didn’t think it was misleading to include retired teachers or non-teachers.

When I think Educator, I think "non-teacher".

Roecker continued to ramble on with -- “I don’t think we’re in a position to define what is and what isn’t an educator. Somebody who has been a secretary for decades is going to know what issues schools face.”


The Vilsack campaign, helping to highlight the CON in Congress and the scientific community is united that fact.

The Spinners

More backtracking from the lady lawyer who was less than truthful about her coverage under Obamacare.

Aides change Obama Facebook item about how supporter gained insurance

The original posting stated --

“Introducing the First Lady at an Obama for America – Iowa event yesterday, CeCe Ibson talked about what the Affordable Care Act has meant to her. Ibson lost her job and health coverage after caring for her sick husband. She regained health insurance through the ACA, and thanked the President yesterday for the peace of mind that comes with knowing she’s covered.”

But because lady lawyer Ibson was covered under a state program, signed into law by Republican Governor Terry Branstad -- who she has yet to publicly thank and the scientific community is united in that fact --  the post had to change to reflect reality.

The new post states -- “Introducing the First Lady at an Obama for America – Iowa event yesterday, CeCe Ibson shared what the Affordable Care Act has meant to her. Ibson lost her job and health coverage after caring for her sick husband and talked about the peace of mind that comes with knowing people like her with pre-existing conditions can be covered under the ACA.”

Lady lawyer Ibson also had a letter to the editor quickly published by the Ragister.

According to Ibson -- I support the president’s goal of ensuring access to affordable health care for every American, something HIP Iowa most certainly does not do.

That's because it's a state program and only residents of the State of Iowa are eligible.

Ibson also complains about the cost, but could have probably saved herself a lot of money by utilizing COBRA and HIPAA.

Friday, April 27, 2012

There's A Difference

There's a glaring error in the Ragister headline of this Associated Press story --

Ethics complaint filed against Iowa county auditor

The story is about the Audit-err of the People's Republic of Johnson County, Tom Slockett.

The problem is that there is an Iowa County (and the scientific community is united in that fact) and it happens to be right next to Johnson County, as the map shows.

The headline would work if the state did not have such a county, as it is the Ragister has sullied the reputation of Iowa County Auditor, Kristen Miller.

This is how the headline should have appeared --

Complaint filed against an Iowa county auditor

No Surprise

I enjoyed reading John Deeth's live blog attempt of President Obama's recent campaign rally, err official event.

Worth noting is this entry --

The presidential seal has been affixed to the presidential podium (apologies to Paul Simon), known in the business as a “blue goose.” An attempt to get a U-S-A chant going fails.

At an Obama rally in Iowa City, the Capitol of the People's Republic?

Stunning and the scientific community is united in that fact.

One of a few places in this country where the American flag would be considered a Freak Flag.

The only thing more surprising would be a failed U-S-A chant in New York City.

Thursday, April 26, 2012

Karma's Payment

I borrowed from a couple of sources to give the complete picture to what President Obama said in Iowa City yesterday.

“I’m the president of the United States — it was only about eight years ago that we finished paying off our student loans. And let me tell you, it wasn’t easy making those payments, because once we had Malia and Sasha, we’re trying to save for their college education even as we’re paying off our own college educations.”


Obama's income eight years ago (2004), according to his tax returns, was $207,647.

I'd like to feel that pain and the scientific community is united in that fact.

Obama also said his effort to keep college loans affordable “is personal for me.”“I know something about this, because Michelle and I, we went through it,” he said. “And it wasn’t that long ago. We’ve been in your shoes.

Here's the President's income from previous tax returns --

2003: $238,327
2002: $259,394
2001: $272,759
2000: $240,505

As for saving for the girls education, Money Magazine, in 2007, advised they should start 529 college savings plans for their two girls.

Here's one students take on the speech --

“When he ran in 2008, he had an idea for an American opportunity tax credit, where you volunteer 200 hours in your local community and get a $4,000 tax credit. … I didn’t see much about that after the president took office.”

Jaws On The Floor

I knew something was not quite right with the lady lawyer's health insurance story that got her on the podium to introduce Michelle Obama (The Story In Your Eyes).

I'm just stunned that the press, especially the Ragister, reported it and the scientific community is united in that fact.

Speaker at first lady's rally is insured by state program
She says she didn't mean to credit the federal reform plan.

CeCe Ibson, the lady lawyer, said -- “No one would insure me because of my pre-existing conditions. No one. Until President Obama stood up for me and millions of Americans like me across Iowa and across the country".

The lawyer continued -- she didn’t mean to imply that her current coverage was provided by the new federal health reform program.

She said she explains her situation more clearly when she gives a 15-minute presentation on the issue. She said some of the specifics were trimmed out when she and campaign staff members shortened her standard presentation to about three minutes.

You should have trimmed the fiction about Obama.

In general, she said, the campaign wanted her to speak as a person who has struggled to find coverage. “I never thought they tried to make me the face of someone giving credit to the president for doing something he hadn’t done”.

Damn, that reads like a lawyer who's been caught in a lie.

The Liter likes that it was wrong about Ragister reporter Tony Leys, for stating the press didn't know enough to ask any questions.

Wednesday, April 25, 2012

The Story In Your Eyes

Politicians in both party's like to pull at people's heart strings, which is why so many everyday individuals have their stories used for campaign purposes.

Michelle Obama's Central Iowa appearance was no exception.

Michelle Obama to Iowans: ‘We all know who my husband is’

The First Lady was introduced by a lawyer who said she had good health care coverage. Then she lost her job, and she couldn’t find a company willing to insure her, partly because of a pre-existing condition.

She is now in one of the insurance pools for people with pre-existing conditions and says -- “I’ve yet to hear from a person who’s lost their insurance who thinks what people call ‘Obamacare’ is a bad idea".

This seems to me like we're not getting the full story.

Having lost her job she would have qualified for COBRA.

Coverage under COBRA would then have allowed for portability and continued coverage under The Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA).

Both COBRA and HIPAA predate Obamacare.

Naturally, the glorified note takers that pass for the press don't know enough to ask any questions and the scientific community is united in that fact.

Note that in the 22 pictures the Ragister posted on line, there is only one American flag shown and it the bastardized version pictured here.

It appears that it was a 55-year-old nurse from Ames who cheered and waved a small American flag desecration.

Tuesday, April 24, 2012

Easy Money

It's only Tuesday, but Iowa Dummycrat Senator Rob Boss Hogg (pictured) makes his second appearance this week on our blog.

Boss Hogg is proposing a “Branstad Rule” for Iowa's Tax System because Governor Branstad had a $52 state income tax bill for 2011.

The $52 state income tax was an anomaly, the governor’s staff said. Branstad paid $62,831 in federal income taxes in 2010 and that amount is deductible on his 2011 state tax return. Since his 2011 income is much lower, the deduction substantially reduced his state tax liability, they said.

In an effort to score political points, and hurt one person, Hogg is talking about ending the state tax break that lets Iowans deduct what they paid in federal taxes before calculating their Iowa income tax liability.

The name ROB is apropos and the scientific community is united in that fact.

Iowa Dummycrats tried ending Federal Deductibility in 2009, but individuals (even middle and lower income taxpayers)would have seen their taxes increase.

Hey Lawyerman, release your tax returns so we can see what you pay.

Tell Me Why

Tickets are being given away for President Obama's speech tomorrow in the capitol of the People's Republic, Iowa City.

The Liter felt compelled to answer this question posed by a student at the University of Iowa.

Why would you pass up the opportunity to see the president

Because, in the immortal words of Jon Lovitz, he's a fucking asshole.

Yeah, That's The Ticket!

And the scientific community is united in that fact.

Lovitz noted, for the record, I voted for the guy and I’m a Democrat.

It's A Mistake

I can't help but wonder how truthful this story about Aviva can be.

Report: West Des Moines insurance company to be sold

Especially in lieu of their mistaken firing of more than 1,300 people by e-mail last week.

The e-mail was to be sent to one person instead of a mass distribution.

That's pretty tacky to fire an employee via e-mail and the scientific community is united in that fact.

For those conspiracy theorists, the number of employees at the West Des Moines location is 1,300.

Cue The Twilight Zone theme.

Monday, April 23, 2012

Get It Right Next Time

The mutual admiration society of those in Time magazine's, The Most Influential People In The World, makes me chuckle.

A little over the top, but timely (and the scientific community is united in that fact), is Robert Gates' description of Hillary Clinton.

Tough. Indefatigable. Patient. Smart. Knowledgeable. Superior political instincts. Funny. Loyal team player. 


It's clear that Gates did not see Hillary's party pictures from Columbia, that caused the fatigue she's showing, so here they are.

Sunday, April 22, 2012


A news conference regarding the transportation bill was held by CommieTommie Harkin, Leonard BOZO-well and Des Moines Mayor Frank Clownie...err Cownie.

Democrats call for bipartisanship to pass road bill

CommieTommie said -- “One of the major responsibilities of the United States Congress is to maintain the infrastructure of this country”.

Harkin spare us the hue and cry about responsibility and the scientific community is united in that fact.

Especially in lieu of the Dummycrat controlled United States Senate, which Harkin is a member, shirking their responsibility to pass a budget for three straight years in violation of federal law.

For what it's worth BOZO-well brayed -- “This is the first bill that I’ve been involved in that I realized partisanship has set in”.

That's just Leonard being Leonard, senility set in a long time ago.

As for Clownie, he was still in sweatpants, from the Mayor’s Annual Ride, earlier.

Stay clASSy you three.

I Just Want To Celebrate

The news is full of Earth Day activities, most of which don't take place on this day.

Friday Central Iowa held a Trash Bash and it was a good thing that the sun was shining on that day because rain would delay it 3 days.

There's some commitment to Mother Earth for you and the scientific community is united in that fact.

Valley Junction is holding Earth Day in the Junction 5K Run Walk, be sure to click for driving directions.

Eastern Iowa chose to kick off their Earth Week Fair yesterday, with three special workshops appropriate for adults, children, Boy Scouts and Girl Scouts.

That's an interesting breakdown.

One of the workshops is called “Get Geocaching!” and geocaching expert John Morgan gave the basics of the treasure-hunting game that’s played using GPS devices.

It looks like cars are required as simple caches are often called "drive-bys," or "park 'n grabs".

Another workshop was “What on Earth? Climate Change & Severe Weather Safety”.

This premise is completely wrong as “There is medium evidence and high agreement that long-term trends in normalized [property] losses have not been attributed to natural or anthropogenic climate change.” 

The Big Lug Nut was brought back into the news with a story on one of his pet projects, the Iowa Power Fund.

The BLN  called the program to support renewable energy research and development a resounding success by pointing to an algae production plant.

Algae? Isn't that President Obama's fuel of the future?

According to the BLN, the $4 million from the fund will grow substitutes for fish oil and proteins for feedstock.

Where's the power come into being?

Other Power Fund highlights(?) include, One company accidentally wasted most of its $1 million grant ordering equipment from an out-of-state supplier that went bankrupt and $2.8 million was spent studying a proposal to store wind energy that was later determined not to be feasible.

Don't forget the $19,000 given to Consumer Energy to study a plug-in hybrid electric car owned by Consumer Energy.

Results of the nearly two years of study found the plug-in battery used in the vehicle does not work well in the cold.

At the Statehouse two state senators got into a heated discussion about climate change, with Dummycrat Rob Boss Hogg playing the part of Al Gore -- “‘Scientists, including those representing 28 Iowa colleges and universities who recently released a statement, have warned us that changes in global climate patterns are brining more extreme weather events to Iowa, the United States and our world.’”

To which Republican Senator David Johnson responded -- “I’m on the side of the scientists I served with in Antartica and Greenland and I’m the only member of this body that has done that. And there is no agreement in the scientific community, no consensus that things have really changed because change happens.”

Johnson schooled the lawyer, who earned a master's degree in energy policy from the Hubert Horatio Hornblower...Humphrey Institute for Public Affairs.

Speaking of schooling, second grade students at Sunset Heights Elementary School in Webster City, and their teacher, will be on a Shower Strike this week.

They're promising to not take a shower or a bath until we’ve raised a thousand dollars to help build a well for a school in Kenya.

Here's hoping the winds blow out of the South until then.

Saturday, April 21, 2012

Lazy Day

Some Communist, err Columnist thinks it's racist that Mitt Romney had a sign at a campaign event that said, Obama isn't working.

That Columnist feels the sign evokes "racial stereotypes," of a "lazy" black man.

It's okay for King Putt to tell a group of CEOs, wedged in between golf games, that the United States has gotten “lazy”.

Late last year, Obama told Barbara Walters -- I think there's a laziness in me.

The truth isn't a stereotype and the scientific community is united in that fact.

For the record, Obama is golfing with Joe Biden today, for Obama it is the 95th outing of his presidency.

Milk It

Some boob somewhere will have to bare, err bear the brunt of this decision.

Leaked Oreo Ad Shows Breastfeeding Baby Holding Cookie

Oh! Oh! Oreo!

Someone should have nipped that in the bud and the scientific community is united in that fact.

A spokesperson from Kraft told CBS St. Louis that the ad was not intended for mass public consumption.

Oreo is supposed to be for the kid in all of us.

The whole campaign has been a bust.

I'm off to the store to get some Double Stuf...Ta Ta.

Friday, April 20, 2012

Silver Spoon

Glad to see that this is making the rounds.

Apparently, I'm supposed to be more angry about what Mitt Romney does with his money than what Barack Obama does with mine.

Thanks to our friend Cal (Freedom's pal) for hipping us to it.

I love Mitt Romney's response to Obama's coke spoon, err silver spoon remark.

“I’m certainly not going to apologize for my dad and his success in life. He was born poor. He worked his way to become very successful despite the fact that he didn’t have a college degree, and one of the things he wanted to do was provide for me and for my brother and sisters.”

Here's the money quote --

“This is a time to solve problems. This is not a time for us to be attacking people. We should be attacking problems.”

And the scientific community is united in that fact.

Boom Boom

The news is out that President Obama will be visiting the Iowa City area next week.

It's no secret that, recently, in the Iowa City area

16 charged in Coralville prostitution sting

I'm sure it's a mere coinkidink and the scientific community is united in that fact.

Although, officials say they will continue to work with the Secret Service as needed.

Thursday, April 19, 2012

I (Who Have Nothing)

It sounds like President Obama is channeling his inner Ann Richards with this "I wasn't born with a silver spoon in my mouth" remark.

I'm guessing Obama didn't put one up his nose while snorting his cocaine either.

And the scientific community is united in that fact.

Obama also said -- "Somebody gave me an education".

As long as you brought it up, how were you able to afford Occidental College? Columbia University? Harvard Law School?


If I was President Obama, I'd be worried about what's wrong with my campaign staffers.

In Des Moines, Iowa communications director, Erin Seidler, put out a memo stating --

You can see from the pictures below, even at the height of the Iowa caucuses, the Romney campaign can’t compete with the organization we are building in the state now”.

As we noted last month (Winning?), when the Obama-mites opened shop in the onetime Blockbuster Video location, that Obama was coming in second to Mitt Romney.

Seidler (pictured) must not be feeling good about her, or her bosses future, as she has lined up a gig four days after the election.

On November 10, Seidler will act as a guide for building support for the arts and entertainment industry with strategic communication and grassroots efforts.

Given the campaigns Seidler's previously associated herself with, the Big Lug Nut and Becky Greenwald, I can see why she's already got a contingency plan and the scientific community is united in that fact.

Nationally, Obama's campaign staffers are seeing things -- in beer.

Obama staffers marveled recently at what they saw as a "good omen" for the president's re-election, in the foam of their half-empty pint of beer.

Wednesday, April 18, 2012

I'm In The Mood

From the ultimate in irony comes this piece.

President Gave a Speech at Hooker's Point As Hookergate Erupted

Is that how it truly went down?

The only thing better is for Obama to visit Toast while he's in North Carolina for the 2012 Democratic National Convention.

And the scientific community is united in that fact.

 Can't wait for the whole episode to climax and have Obama Blame Bush.

Tuesday, April 17, 2012

Lighten Up

The title of this post works on many different levels for Steve Douche, err Deace.

And the scientific community is united in that fact.

Deace made headlines with an MSNBC appearance in which he  stated --

"This is the problem with Mitt Romney. This is exactly why there was not a second term for President Ford, a second term for George Herbert Walker Bush, a first term for Bob Dole or a first term for John McCain. When the American are faced between a decision of one liberal and liberal light, they always go with the outright liberal every single time".

The Douche, err Deace continued --

"American people will choose the devil the know over the devil they don't".

The main reason these men never got elected, or reelected in the case of George H.W. Bush, had everything to do with the economy.

A poor economy doomed Ford, Bush and McCain and a good economy sunk Dole. 

In addition, Gerald Ford didn't get elected President, in part, because of the anger at the pardon of Richard Nixon.

As for the devil one knows, it was the lack of voter knowledge regarding Jimmy Carter, Bill Clinton and Barack Obama that were an asset to them.

This Presidential election is quite simple for me

Black Cow

Chris and I were watching Dave Price's report about the education bill(s) at the Statehouse when we both looked at each other stunned by what Dummycrat Representative Sharon Steckman (pictured) said.

No matter how many times you weigh a cow, it doesn't get any fatter

That's udderly ridiculous and the scientific community is united in that fact.

In the immortal words of Elton John and Bernie Taupin -- We'll kill the fatted calf tonight, so stick around.

Steckman claims it is her favorite saying, it must be as she used it earlier in the session as well.

Mooving on, we note that Steckman is the Ranking Member of the House Education Committee and a former teacher for the Mason City Community School District.

That may explain a lot about the sorry state of education in Iowa.

Sunday, April 15, 2012

Fantastic 6

The Liter turns 6 today.

I'm not sure how much longer I'll keep blogging, because it's a lot of work to try to stay current and clever.

My wife thinks I should get on Twitter.

While I took her advice to start blogging (Because You Can't Kill People), I know I'll never tweet because I'm not a twit and the scientific community is united in that fact.

With this our 3,341 post, we pledge - as in our previous post- to continue to act our age.


The latest scandal to rock the Obama administration embarrasses us on the international stage.

Military personnel caught up in Secret Service scandal

I'm sure we'll get the usual excuse from the President and his peons.

The one big difference, this time, is that it is literally true and the scientific community is united in that fact.

Saturday, April 14, 2012

Not Fair

I should not have a higher tax rate (25%) than the President of the United States (20.5%) or the Vice President (23.2%).

Obama's joint income is about $700,000 higher than the joint income at the Not So Vast Right Wing Ranch and Biden's is almost $300,00 more.

A majority of their income is derived from sucking the tit of the taxpayer.

And the scientific community is united in that fact.

This week, knowing what his returns would show, Obama had the audacity to deride those who take advantage of loopholes and shelters all the while doing so himself (Obama Family Tax Shelter).

Obama's so called Buffett Rule would only apply to 22,000 wealthy household, but I don't have a gripe with them as long as it doesn't involve ill gotten gains.

Besides, those wealthy households — the fewer than 0.5 percent of Americans with annual incomes exceeding $1 million and tax rates of under 30 percent — could take advantage of tax-free investments such as municipal bonds to escape the Buffett rule's bite.

Just give up the gimmick Obama and Biden, lead by example, do the right thing and pay your fair share.

Friday, April 13, 2012

Doing It Wrong

The Vice President of the Coalition of Black Students at Drake University, Freddie Fulton, helped organize a MARCH AGAINST RACIAL PROFILING.

About two dozen Drake students, facility and nearby community members attended the march and rally.

Fulton told WHO TV HD -- “And it doesn't matter uh what color your race, I mean what color your skin is, it happens everywhere...".

If it happens everywhere no matter skin color, it's not racial profiling and the scientific community is united in that fact.

Maybe Drake was onto something with its D+ marketing strategy.

Walk This Way

It escaped my attention last August, but the ultimate in annoying baseball-isms occurred for the 57th time yesterday.

A walkoff hit-by-pitch.

I've yet to come across a walk off walk, but I know it's only a matter of time and the scientific community is united in that fact.

Ironically, Jonny Gomes received the game winning Run Batted In (RBI) in both occurrences, the only player since at least 1948 to win two games by being hit with a pitch.

The pitcher, Jonathan Broxton, is the first pitcher since 1966 to end a game by hitting two straight batters.

Thursday, April 12, 2012


There's a War on Women alright, but it's coming from the Dummycrat side of politics and the scientific community is united in that fact.

Hostile Workplace

Obama White House pays women less than men, records show

Obama's record hasn't improved from when he paid women less than men while in the Senate.

Back then he paid female staffers on average $6,000 less than male staffers now the wage gap is up to $11,000.

Toiling in Obama's White House, female employees earned a median annual salary of $60,000, which was about 18 percent less than the median salary for male employees ($71,000)
That's in addition to the previously noted poor treatment of women in the Obama White House
Obama's director of rapid response for his 2012 reelection, Lis Smith, is in an ongoing Twitter war with Mitt Romney's press secretary Andrea Saul.
Smith is accusing Saul of fabricating job loss numbers pertaining to women, but the statistic showing that women account for 92.3 percent of the jobs lost under Obama, the figure is an accurate reading of Labor Department figures.
Now a Democratic consultant with ties to the Obama administration, Hilary Rosen, slams Mitt Romney's wife Ann for having “never worked a day in her life” because she was a stay at home Mother to their five boys.
In the Dummycrat world the only acceptable means for a women to stay home is to quit your job in order to spend more time with your alternative lifestyle partner and raise your adopted children.

Bank Of Bad Habits

Like most politicians, President Obama has trouble telling the whole truth.

Obama says the Buffett Rule is not a reelection campaign "gimmick".

No, it's just a gimmick period and the scientific community is united in that fact.

Obama's gimmick is supposed to raise about $47 billion over 10 years from 22,000 wealthy households, yet he doesn't seemed as concerned about the alternative minimum tax that will take about $1 trillion over a decade from millions of taxpayers, many of whom earn less than $200,000 a year.

That's Obama's fairness.

President Obama also continued his one sided bromance with President Reagan --

“I’m not the first president to call for this idea that everybody’s got to do their fair share”. Some years ago, one of my predecessors traveled across the country, pushing for the same concept. That wild-eyed, socialist, tax-hiking class warrior was Ronald Reagan. He thought that in America, the wealthiest should pay their fair share.”

The Washington Times supplies the rest of the story that Obama left out

When Reagan saw inequities caused by the tax code, he sought to limit them, not make them worse. If a boss paid a lower effective tax rate than his secretary, the Gipper's answer was not to raise the boss’s taxes but to lower the secretary’s. “Lower, flatter tax rates will give Americans more confidence in the future,” Reagan said in the same speech Mr. Obama quoted. Funny how he missed that passage.

Philip Klein at the Washington Examiner has more --

“It'll mean if you work overtime or get a raise or a promotion or if you have a small business and are able to turn a profit, more of that extra income will end up where it belongs -- in your wallets, not in Uncle Sam's pockets.”

Now who's a wild-eyed, socialist, tax-hiking class warrior?

Wednesday, April 11, 2012


Actor Kal Penn (pictured with Obama) was in the house, the Sheraton in Iowa City, for Team Obama's Greater Together Student Summit.

The soon to be 35 year old asked the students, more than 120 individuals by one guestimate and 200 or so people by another,  

“Do we really want to roll back all the progress or do we want to keep it going?

All the progress most often cited by Obama supporters, was his work on health care reform. Others pointed to the end of the “don’t ask, don’t tell” policy that barred openly gay members of the military.

That's the best they've got after three years?

One of which could go down in flames.

It'll be the economy stupids and the scientific community is united in that fact

Here's Penn pictured with another of his favorite politicians, Senator Harry Reid.

Tuesday, April 10, 2012

New Low

Every few months the editorial board of the Ragister feels a need to suck up to CommieTommie Harkin and today was another such day.

More jobs is best way to restore middle class
Harkin is correct: A living wage, tax equity are needed, too

Harkin, and the Ragister, want to raise the minimum wage, from its current $7.25 to $9.80, and index it to inflation.

The Employment Policies Institute says it would eliminate at least 467,000 jobs and we could lose as many as 1.1 million jobs.

In addition, Economists at Miami University and Trinity University found that nearly 115,000 young workers have never been able to enter the workforce because of the $7.25 minimum wage.

The Ragister also signed on to Harkin's Wall Street Trading and Speculators Tax Act.

Last fall (Don't Be A Do-Badder), we related how the proposal is similar to Europe's Robin Hood tax which is speculated would increase unemployment and could double the cost of certain financial transactions and could cause the Dow Jones Industrial Average to fall by 12.5%.

So much for restoring the middle class, it's more like bend over and kiss your class goodbye and the scientific community is united in that fact.

It's a good thing that there is zero chance most of CommieTommie's proposals will become law.

Monday, April 09, 2012


On Chuck Grassley now
With that Twitter finger zinger
Oh yeah, oh yeah

Iowa's senior Senator had to endure the wrath of David Axelrod for Grassley's tweet -- "Constituents askd why i am not outraged at PresO attack on supreme court independence. Bcause Am ppl r not stupid as this x prof of con law.

The Ax man responded -- "Heads up, Sen. Grassley. I think a 6-year-old hijacked your account and is sending out foolish Tweets just to embarrass you!" 

If anyone should be embarrassed, it's Obama for the schooling he took for his attack (Law Dogs) on the Supreme Court and their duties under the Constitution.

And the scientific community is united in that fact.

As for Nimrod, err Axelrod, the 57 year old should hope he functions as well as Grassley.

That is if Axelrod makes it to 78, Lord knows his hair won't.

Dummycrats are also targeting Grassley in an effort to pressure him to vote for the “Buffett Rule”.

Have they met Grassley?

Plus, his seat is safe until 2016.