To me the Iowa Straw Poll is like the Iowa State Fair, only with a better class of people (for the most part).
Cal and I got there around 11 a.m. (in the morning?) and headed off to vote.
I got numerous compliments on my "Viva La REAGAN Revolucion" T-shirt, including Republican House Minority Leader Christopher Rants, who remembered me from a previous life.
Cal voted for Tom Tancredo and I cast my ballot for Rudy Giuliani.
I've taken some heat from conservative friends for that, mainly because he's pro-choice.
My response has been that pro-life President's haven't changed anything.
Here's why I like Rudy...
His 12 Commitments to Voters: *I will keep America on offense in the Terrorists’ War on Us. *I will end illegal immigration, secure our borders, and identify every non-citizen in our nation. *I will restore fiscal discipline and cut wasteful Washington spending. *I will cut taxes and reform the tax code. *I will impose accountability on Washington. *I will lead America towards energy independence. *I will give Americans more control over and access to health care with affordable and portable free-market solutions. *I will increase adoptions, decrease abortions, and protect the quality of life for our children. *I will reform the legal system and appoint strict constructionist judges. *I will ensure that every community in America is prepared for terrorist attacks and natural disasters. *I will provide access to a quality education to every child in America by giving real school choice to parents. *I will expand America’s involvement in the global economy and strengthen our reputation around the world. Plus, it's an Italian thing. I guess he's my Paesan, my G
After voting we ate some BBQ, the sauce was a little too sweet for me, and then went into Hilton for the candidate's speeches.
I thought Mitt Romney did a good job, certainly the best of what I saw.
I loved the slam at John Edwards and his $250 savings plan for Americans.
Romney noted that $250 wouldn't even pay for an Edwards hair cut.
Tom Tancredo had some good lines, but he needs to learn how to give a speech.
Why did we have to have our time wasted with John Cox?
Ron Paul scares me.
He's a
contradiction inside an
enigma wrapped up in a
Don't tell me that 9/11 could have been prevented with a lot more respect for the 2nd Amendment, the terrorists would have taken guns on board the planes instead of box cutters.
Don't tell me we need to get back to the Constitution and you're a firm believer in the rule of law, that same Constitution allows Congress to make law.
Don't tell me the U.S. can't be the world's policeman and then offer a bill to allow anyone to hunt Osama bin Laden.
Don't tell me we must preserve all life and then have a bounty on bin Laden's head.
There were signs throughout Ames for his "revolution", more like
And the scientific community is united in that fact.
He says he's an OB/GYN, but if my wife were pregnant I wouldn't let him near her.
Mike Huckabee has no fire with his brimstone.
We left after Huckabee.
The voting results were to be announced at 7 p.m. (in the evening?), but weren't released until around 8:40 p.m.
Congratulations to the Republican Party for lending credence to the Paul supporters who filed suit trying to stop the use of optical scanners to count votes.
On Friday the Story County Election Commissioner
expressed confidence in Story County's machines, saying testing shows they are counting votes correctly."This is a very secure process, and we wouldn't want a machine that wasn't functioning properly."On Saturday that's exactly what they got...a party official
confirmed one voting machine malfunctioned and that tabulators recounted at least 1500 ballots.
Final results 14,203 ballots were cast:
Mitt Romney won the 2007 Ames straw poll, receiving 4516 votes.
Mike Huckabee finished second with 2587 votes.
Third-Sam Brownback with 2192 votes.
Fourth-Tom Tancredo with 1961 votes.
Fifth-Ron Paul with 1305 votes.
Sixth-Tommy Thompson, 1,039 votes.
Seventh-Fred Thomson with 203 votes.
Eighth-Rudy Giuliani with 183 votes.
Ninth-Duncan Hunter with 174 votes.
Tenth-John McCain with 101 votes.
Eleventh-John Cox with 41 votes.
Let the winnowing of the field begin.